Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A pole Between us

I have never been so Head over heels and allowed 2 b with the person b4.. I like sum1 who actually likes me as much as i do him.. it was werid and it is werid a lil still when wer in school and stuff.. but thers alot of couples and we just blend..
Any wayz.. today bc he didnt want 2 go 2 wrestling practice yet.. and i wasnt allowd 2 go2 my meet bc i can run a 5k yet.. i stood and talkd 2 him waitn for my mom 2 come get me...
We had this lik.. pole between us and holding ands and swinging around it. It was amazingly cute.. and then lik this teacher walkd 2 her class and lik 10 mins later came bout out and was lik r u guys attachd 2 that pole... Lol WAT a fab Pole...
Anywayz.. I have a pic of us kissing and that pole behind us.. i havnt seen it yet tho bc its on my friends cam phone so idk wat it looks lik .. if its really good i might put it on here.?
Anyhow... I got an 85 on a spanish test 2day.. and i turnd in extra credit and got @ most 15 extra points if i got them right.. but who cares 1 point will b one point difference.. He said it raised my grade from the 77 c+ i had.. Hip hip!!
ok sad note now.. mY bff alina shes moving 2 vancover.. washington state.. n 3 weeks.. very sad.. and im kinda mad!!..
ANywayz.. Juleit!! is Gracious!!


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