Saturday, February 11, 2006

Summer is a season

Yeah o I have a frappn 96 n Alegabra 2 yay and a93 in science whattt yeah so everything is amazing in school! yay and i got a um job interview on monday with publix hope i make it.. and Valentines day is coming up and my Friend Blake and i are valentines

but i really wish i had the ball 2 ask alex but im a girl and balls arnt my thing,so of cours,i didnt ask and i wont.. but i did get the cutest care bear valentines and they are so cute and i cant wait to get them to everyone

and then what e;se im on a roll here to type everything that been going on in lik one blog.. um i ewent to the movies last weekend and met sum old ppl from falkie last yr wasnt good at all.. ended up cryn and micael hoff. (a god) saved me qand then chris got n 2 it and almost kick a kids ass with gewido which was funny but not really..
and then last night Robin came over and i was goinna go ice skaing but i couldnt bc my leg hurt and i didnt go 2 school so of course ahh..

I like some one new!! heheheh but i cant have him so im not going 2 say who.. hahah lol i love u all x0x0x0 Juliet


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