The # 1Reason I hate myself...
This is a part of a story, kinda lik a diary but in lik story form....
Well enjoy....
From the second i walkd through the doors i knew it was going to b a wonderful year. Perfect evn. Then i saw him. Nothing could prepare myself for him. Nothing pain from Paul nor Andreas could ever accumulate together. Love for this new boy, Cyrus, hit me like a freight train more then Cupids damndest arrow. When i say love, I mean the LOve thatt leaves u breathless and full of hate. Everyday he contuines to fill me with disgust and more love then most guys i have happend 2 have happend apon. We fight about things that have no bearings on anything important to the daily shit in school. I bitch at him for being so mean and him abck at me saying that i should feel lucky that he puts the effort to tease.. phuff.... needless to say i dont. ALso needless to say, as in i really dont need to say bc everyone and their Realtives know it, i LOve the kid every girl does. People that dont even know him or talk to him dream of him at night... Girls walkn around with his 5 letters enscribed on their hands. I am the good friend left back to watch as he makes his self a private picking of gurls he will never see or talk to agian. He dates girls he never talks to or walks with even hes supposed to be with her. I, with no offical title, am the one to bare his personal arm rest, and his conforter when hes sad. Not that I wind but AT least a "girl im seeing would be nice".
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